About Us

Meet the Team

PMI Vacationland is located within the beautiful lakes region of Maine and services the greater Portland and surrounding coastal areas. PMI Vacationland is a full service real estate asset management company that provides professional property management and real estate brokerage services.

We provide short term rental property owners with the highest quality property management services using state-of-the-art technology to keep them informed of how their investments are doing in real time, while providing tenants of these properties real time access to all services required to make their stay enjoyable and memorable.

Picture of Tom Boardman
Tom BoardmanPresident

Tom was born and raised in Maine and attended the University of Maine in Orono where he graduated with a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering. Tom relocated to New Hampshire where he worked 30 years for a large automotive parts manufacturer starting his career as a design engineer. Working his way through the ranks in engineering, he last held the title of Director of Technology. During this time, he relocated his family to Plymouth Michigan to the corporate headquarters for 2 year period where he took on a Marketing/Program Management role working directly with the automotive manufacturers.

Apon his return to New Hampshire, he took on a role in operations where he managed multiple manufacturing facilities as a Division General Manager. Looking to return to Maine, Tom took a role at another automotive parts manufacturer in Auburn, Maine as the Plant Manager. Over his 8 year term he was promoted up to the Chief Operating Officer responsible for all manufacturing facilities through US and Mexico.

Now retired from corporate America, Tom has entered into the franchise world and partnered with Property Management Inc. as the president of PMI Vacationland where he will put to good use all the knowledge and capabilities of running a well structured and capable business focused on the needs of his customers and clients.